"You throw like a girl"
"You hit like a girl"
"You run like a girl"
Can you think of anymore gender negative stereotypes! We hear and over look thousands all the time, and it is not ok!!!
Girls aren’t born underconfident, they are being held back by gender stereotyping. All children deserve the opportunity to reach their full potential in sport and in life.
Rather than girls being encouraged to achieve whatever they set their mind to, they’re surrounded by messages telling them they’re fragile, weak and don’t like competition. We know that sport can teach pivotal life skills like resilience, courage and self-belief, but far too many girls are missing out as they’re being pigeonholed into what society expects of them.
Tennis is the best for sport for gender equality, it has the highest ratio of male to female players at all levels, and is one of the only sports to have an equal pay structure t the professional level. Tennis is nearly an equal sport. But nearly is not good enough, nearly is not equality!!
On the back of Emma Radacanu's iconic US Open title and thanks to Prime Video the LTA have launched a new course for Girls ONLY!
2 of Northampton Tennis CIC's coaches were chosen to deliver this course, and get more girls into tennis.
Simon Gallo & Shivani Manchanda were successfully chosen and we can not wait to deliver these new courses. So less waffle and lets get to the important stuff:
Never held a racket? No problem
• A twelve-week introductory coaching course • A fun team festival day after • A tennis racket and set of balls • A t-shirt and pair of wristbands • Access to a fun sociable tennis community All sessions are designed to ensure girls have an enjoyable and positive experience All for just £71 (including postage) Northampton Lawn Tennis Club, Westwood Way
5 to 7 years - Sundays 9am till 10am - click here
8 to 12 years - Sundays 10am till 11am - click here
Brixworth Tennis Club, Northampton Road
5 to 7 years - Thursdays 5pm till 5:45pm - click here
8 to 12 years - Thursdays 5:45pm till 6:30pm - click here
How To Book: Please use the links next to the relevant session, this will book the first 6-weeks, we will then contact you about booking on for the follow on 6-week course link.
